Considerate and experienced portfolio management


Financial expertise built for your benefit

Wealth is more than just a number in your savings account. We view your situation from all angles to best evaluate and manage your assets - not just dump it all into a mutual fund and leave it alone. 

You plan on living a long, healthy life, and working with us helps you sustainably fund the coming decades. We specialize in getting you the best returns for the money you’ve earned. With us guiding the way, your portfolio management is a priority, and your satisfaction is paramount. 

The right mix for your future

Building a portfolio worthy of management takes an expert level of insight. You’ve read the right books and made wise decisions for your money, but by putting your portfolio in our knowledgeable hands, you are ensuring the longevity and health of your investments. 

We provide several supervisory offerings related to your assets, from tax preparation and investment management to estate and insurance planning. You can rely on our direction to produce a greater return on investment than if you went at it alone.

What’s important to you?

We include personal financial coaching for all of our wealth management clients to align your investments with your core values through personalized goal setting and support services.


Our investment services are centered on the principle of doing what’s best for our client - you. We manage your portfolio with the holistic approach of our six pillars of financial security so we can focus on what will make a difference for your bottom line.

Cash Flow

Charting the details of what's coming in and leaving your accounts regularly, including discretionary spending

Risk Management

Mitigating your exposure by purchasing or increasing insurance coverage for various areas of your life

Investment Management

Expert-level mastery of stocks, bonds, and other securities as assets whose value can be leveraged later in life

Tax Efficiency

Setting up a strategy for your annual return to maximize deductions and pay what’s necessary and nothing more

Retirement & Benefits

Organizing your 401K and IRA funds to ensure growth over time alongside wise use of social security and pension funds

Estate Planning

Ensuring a stress-free transition of legacy and assets to the next generation

Fees & Investment

We understand that your time has a value - it’s why you’re considering trusting us with your portfolio. Our fees are reasonable and in line with the worth of your return - hours to spend with your family and wealth to enjoy and share with the next generation.

$50,000 -$249,999 • 2% annual fee
$250,000 - $499,999 • 1.75% annual fee
$500,000 to $749,999 • 1.5% annual fee
$750,000 to $999,999 • 1.25% annual fee
$1 million+ • 1% annual fee

Wealth management services are provided by Brightscape Investment Centers.



Invest with someone who knows and cares.